From time to time I will post on here to present some of the activities our students are taking part in. There is always a theme or project going on in all our different age classrooms. Feel free to email us at with any ideas you have for activities and we will use the idea as an activity and post the pictures on this Blog.
For example, we realized that the 100th day of school for 2019-2020 was near so we created a theme entitled: “One Hundred Days of School”. So the older children completed various tasks relating to the number “100”, such as counting yummy treats by 10’s to constructing a building using exactly 100 items. All classes participated. For example, the one year class drew colorful paintings of the number 100 as well as making colorful dots on paper to match one which contained 100 dots on it. This is one of the reasons we do not have carpet; paint splashes can easily be wiped off the floor :)
We asked parents to participate by collecting 100 items with their child and place them in a sealed bag for show and tell and class discussion. Our sight word of the week was of course “DAY”.
For additional fun we invited children to dress up as a 100 year old person. We even had at least one parent coming in dressed up as a 100 year old.
Everyone had fun understanding 100 and that numbers do not stop at one but continue up to 100 and beyond.
Photograph by kind permission of parents and teachers at Lake Mary Childcare
Photograph by kind permission of parents and teachers at Lake Mary Childcare