Does Santa really exist? Well he does for me and I'm as old as dirt. For children Christmas is a magical time, for parents it can be a highly stressful time. Finding the cash to buy all those presents to leave under the tree or fill a stocking. The time taken to fight through the hustle and bustle of shopping centers or the simple click of a button on Amazon or other online retailers can swiftly empty your bank account rapidly takes it toll and the punishment will manifest itself in January when the bills come through.
But what about Santa. The children see a magical happy and jolly large man, dressed in red with a huge white beard bearing gifts for everyone from the back his sledge. With just the slightest knowledge of physics, the idea of a large volume and mass soaring over rooftops powered by reindeer is unbelievable. So why do I believe in Santa?
To me Santa is the spirit of Christmas and represents the story of St. Nicholas, who as a man of faith, goodness and generosity who secretly gave gifts to the children need in his town. The fact that he did this secretly epitomizes the spirit of Christmas and is reinforced by the legend of Santa Claus. The story of St Nicholas enriches our understanding of Santa Claus by showing that a real historical person existed who on December 6th, gave secretly to those in need. No he didn't give iPads or Xboxes he gave small gifts , maybe even an apple or a wooden doll. I know that's not an easy thing do get away with today as children have unfortunately learned to compare and compete but maybe even just telling the story of St. Nicholas may educate our children on giving the gift of generosity without expectations of anything in return. And that the bigger price tag is not necessarily the best.
So Santa exists in all of us if we can give secretly or quietly, without expectation, and just to enjoy the the giving of a simple gift.
Tell the children about the sugar cane that they are sucking on is actually a candy representation of St Nicholas's Staff. In a childcare setting we celebrate with story telling, art and modeling activities but knowing the historical background of Santa Clause, Father Christmas or St Nicholas, makes making a model of a sugar cane all the more poignant and fun.